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Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

tips sehat untuk penderita diabetes

9 Daftar Makanan Sehat Untuk Penderita Diabetes

9 Daftar Makanan Sehat Untuk Penderita Diabetes, Setiap manusia pasti membutuhkan makanan guna untuk mempertahankan kelangsunan hidup, namun bagi penderita diabetes tentunya tidak bebas memilih makanan sesuka mengapa, perlu anda ketahuai bahwa ada beberapa jenis makanan yang tidak cocok dan kurang sehat dikomsumsi bagi penderita diabetes. Adapun Jenis makanan yang tidak diperbolehkan dimakan oleh penderita diabetes, seperti Mie, Pasta, Nasi, makanan

Dan minuman yang mengandung Kafein, Kentang, Roti White dan berbagai jenis makanan lainnya yang banyak mengandung karbohidrat atau lebih dikenal dalam dunia medis indeks glikemik yang tinggi. Namun anda penderita diabetes jangan berkecil hati, bukannya penderita diabetes tidak dapat mengkomsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat karbohidrat tinggi tetapi hendaknya padai-pandi dalam memilih makanan yang kadar karbohidratnya rendah. Bagi anda penderita diabetes berikut hasbihtc mencoba berikan daftar makanan sehat penderita diabetes.
Pakar Nutrisi diabetes telah menganjurkan penderita memakan makanan yang kaya akan nutrisi sehat, yaitu serat, omega tiga, kalsium, dan vitamin D. Berikut ada 8 jenis makanan sehat untuk pengidap diabetes :
1. Kacang Kenari
Satu ons kacang kenari atau sekitar tujuh biji mengandung dua gram serat dan dua koma enam gram ALA. Tapi, jumlah tersebut juga menyumbangkan 185 kalori. Jadi, perhatikan jumlah asupan jika Anda sedang mempertahankan berat badan.

2. Kacang polong 
Kacang polong kaya akan kandungan serat, Serat merupakan komponen tumbuhan yang membuat Anda kenyang, menstabilkan kadar gula darah, dan bahkan menurunkan kolesterol. Setengah cangkir kacang hitam mengandung sekitar tujuh gram serat. Selain itu, kacang polong juga mengandung kalsium, mineral yang terbukti membantu membakar lemak tubuh. Setengah cangkir mengandung sekitar 100 gram kalsium, sekitar 10 persen dari asupan harian.

3. Cokelat Hitam
Cokelat Hitam atau Dark chocolate Jenis Cokelat ini kaya antioksidan flavonoid, yang berfungsi memperbaiki kadar kolesterol baik dan jahat serta mengurangi tekanan darah.

4. Produk Susu Olahan
Jenis Susu ada begitu banya seperti susu, keju dan yogurt, kaya kalsium dan vitamin D. Sebuah studi, seperti dikutip situs perevention, menemukan, perempuan yang mengonsumsi lebih dari 1.200 mg kalsium atau lebih dari 800 internasional unit vitamin D sehari berisiko 33 persen lebih rendah menderita diabetes dibandingkan mereka yang mengonsumsi kedua nutrisi ini dalam jumlah kurang. Tapi, pastikan memilih produk susu yang rendah atau bebas lemak.

5. Ikan Salmon
Salmon kaya asam lemak omega tiga, dengan Tiga ons salmon menyediakan sekitar 1.800 mg omega tiga Jenis lemak sehat ini berfungsi mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung, menurunkan berat badan, mengurangi peradangan, serta memperbaiki resistensi insulin. Selain itu, ikan salmon juga mengandung vitamin D.

6. Ikan Tuna
Jenis Ikan Laut ini merupakan jenis ikan sehat dan juga kaya asam lemak omega Tiga. adapun resep bagi penderita diabetes adalah komsumsilah Ikan tuna kira-kira Tiga ons karena dengan menu 3 ons ikan tuna mengandung 1.300 mg omega tiga dan sejumlah vitamin D.

7. Oats Kaya Serat
Para praktisi medis dan ahli gizi mendorong pasien diabetes dan jantung untuk mengonsumsi oatmeal, terutama karena khasiatnya dalam membantu menjaga kadar kolesterol dan gula darah tetap normal. Selain kandungan serat yang tinggi, oatmeal juga menyediakan magnesium, protein, fosfor dan vitamin B1, yang berperan penting dalam memproduksi energi. setengah cangkir oat instan menyumbangkan empat gram serat.

8. Biji rami
Biji rami kaya akan serat dan alpha-linolenic acid, yang akan diubah tubuh menjadi omega-3 EPA dan DHA. Beberapa studi besar telah menemukan hubungan antara peningkatan asupan  dan penurunan kejadian penyakit jantung, serangan jantung, serta gangguan kardiovaskular lainnya. Biji berukuran kecil ini juga dinyatakan bisa menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan gula darah.

9. Selai kacang
Beberapa studi telah menyatakan bahwa selai kacang bisa mengurangi risiko diabetes. Kandungan serat di dalamnya dua sendok makan mengandung dua gram serat turut berperan dalam penurunan risiko ini. Selain itu, selai kacang juga mengandung lemak tunggal tidak jenuh yang baik untuk jantung. Tapi, makanan ini juga kaya kalori. Karena itu, perhatikan takaran asupan Anda.



liburan bersama teman-teman SMADAC :D , pengen tau seperti apa...????

lihat disini

apple fruit nutrition


Apple fruit nutrition facts

apple-red delicious
Delicious and crunchy apple fruit is one of the most popular fruits, favorite of health conscious, fitness lovers who believe in the concept “health is wealth.” This wonderful fruit is packed with rich phyto-nutrients that in the true senses indispensable for optimal health. The antioxidants in apple have much health promoting and disease prevention properties; thus truly justifying the adage, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
Scientific name: Malus domestica.

Apples are obtained from the medium-sized tree belonging to the Rosaceae family. The apple tree is originated in the mineral-rich mountain ranges of Kazakhstan, and now being cultivated in many parts of the world.
Apple fruit features oval or pear shape; and the outer skin has different colors depending upon the cultivar type. Internally, the juicy pulp has been off-white to cream in color and has to mix of mild sweet and tart taste. Its seeds are inedible because of their bitter taste.
Hundreds of varieties of apples are either eaten as table fruits or as dessert fruit grown in the US and worldwide. Some of the apples are sought-after in cooking and baking too.

Apple fruit (Malus domestica), Fresh,
Nutritive value per 100 g,
ORAC value-5900
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Energy50 Kcal2.5%
Carbohydrates13.81 g11%
Protein0.26 g0.5%
Total Fat0.17 g0.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber2.40 g6%
Folates3 µg1%
Niacin0.091 mg1%
Pantothenic acid0.061 mg1%
Pyridoxine0.041 mg3%
Riboflavin0.026 mg2%
Thiamin0.017 mg1%
Vitamin A54 IU2%
Vitamin C4.6 mg8%
Vitamin E0.18 mg1%
Vitamin K2.2 µg2%
Sodium1 mg0%
Potassium107 mg2%
Calcium6 mg0.6%
Iron0.12 mg1%
Magnesium5 mg1%
Phosphorus11 mg2%
Zinc0.04 mg0%
Carotene-ß27 µg--
Crypto-xanthin-ß11 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin29 µg--

Health benefits of apple

  • Delicious and crunchy apple fruit is notable for its impressive list of phtyto-nutrients, and anti-oxidants. Studies suggest that its components are essential for normal growth, development and overall well-being.
  • Apples are low in calories; 100 g of fresh fruit slices provide only 50 calories. They, however, contain no saturated fats or cholesterol. Nonetheless, the fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which helps prevent absorption of dietary-LDL or bad cholesterol in the gut. The fiber also saves the colon mucous membrane from exposure to toxic substances by binding to cancer-causing chemicals inside the colon.
  • Apples are rich in antioxidant phyto-nutrients flavonoids and polyphenolics. The total measured anti-oxidant strength (ORAC value) of 100 g apple fruit is 5900 TE. Some of the important flavonoids in apples are quercetin, epicatechin, and procyanidin B2. Additionally, they are also good in tartaric acid that gives tart flavor to them. Altogether, these compounds help the body protect from deleterious effects of free radicals.
  • Apple fruit contains good quantities of vitamin-C and beta-carotene. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.
  • Further, apple fruit is a good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). Together these vitamins help as co-factors for enzymes in metabolism as well as in various synthetic functions inside the body.
  • Apple also contains a small amount of minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure; thus, counters the bad influences of sodium.


Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

Medical Laboratory

Venipuncture is the collection of blood from a vein, usually for laboratory testing.

How the Test is Performed
Blood is drawn from a vein, usually from the inside of the elbow or the back of the hand. The site is cleaned with germ-killing medicine (antiseptic). The health care provider wraps an elastic band around the upper arm to apply pressure to the area and make the vein swell with blood.
Next, the health care provider gently inserts a needle into the vein. The blood collects into an airtight vial or tube attached to the needle. The elastic band is removed from your arm.
Once the blood has been collected, the needle is removed, and the puncture site is covered to stop any bleeding.
In infants or young children, a sharp tool called a lancet may be used to puncture the skin and make it bleed. The blood collects onto a slide or test strip. A bandage may be placed over the area if there is any bleeding.

How to Prepare for the Test
How you prepare depends on the specific blood test you are having done. Many tests do not require any special preparation. Other times, you may be told to avoid food or drinks or limit certain medications before the test.

How the Test Will Feel
When the needle is inserted to draw blood, you may feel moderate pain, or only a prick or stinging sensation. Afterward, there may be some throbbing.

Why the Test is Performed
Blood is made up of two parts:
  • Fluid (plasma or serum)
  • Cells
Plasma contains various substances including glucose, electrolytes, proteins, and water. Serum is the fluid part that remains after the blood is allowed to clot in a test tube. Specifically, serum is the fluid part of blood after a substance called fibrinogen has been removed by clotting.
Cells in the blood include red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
Blood helps move oxygen, nutrients, waste products, and other materials through the body. It helps control body temperature, fluid balance, and the body's acid-base balance.
Tests on blood or parts of blood may give your doctor important clues about your health.

Normal Results
Normal results vary with the specific test

What Abnormal Results Mean
Abnormal results vary with the specific test.

Veins and arteries vary in size from one patient to another and from one side of the body to the other. Obtaining a blood sample from some people may be more difficult than from others.
Other risks associated with having blood drawn are slight but may include:
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Fainting or feeling light-headed
  • Hematoma (blood accumulating under the skin)
  • Infection (a slight risk any time the skin is broken)
